This Week in ds106: Recap of Week 3
It was a wild week given the unexpected, unwanted intrusion of the Emre56807 hacker into many of the ds106 student blogs. He/she may have thought this clever, but with careful diligence our students have mostly gotten their sites restored. This server has been moved and secured, and hopefully all the tiny holes have been plugged.
In this episode I thought we would get a live video report from Jim Groom, who along with Detective Kim Droom is hot on the trail of Emre5807, somewhere in eastern Europe. We had a brief transmission from Jim as he was closing in on the hacker’s fortress, but lost our signal.
In this show we highlighted the continued effort on the Daily Creates and the conversation held last night with Bryan Alexander on web storytelling.
All ds106 students should be focused on their work this week on the reflections and web 2.0 story tool creation for Assignment 3.
Also, be sure to mind your ABCs-
- Always
- Be
- Commenting
Next week we move into a two week segment on photography.
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