
Blog Post Roundup

Week 12: Remixing ds106 Assignments

By Posted in - Class Materials & Spring 2012 UMW Tricks on April 9th, 2012 2 Comments

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by Viktor Hertz

In the video section of the course we have already entered into the fray of video remixes and discussed abut the notion of everything as a remix. For this week, we are going to experiment with a new appliance in the ds106 cupboard- a remix of ds106 assignments.

Here is how it works, go to the new ds106 remixer site at – yes it is a bit ragged and raw. The new tool we have created is called the Remix Generator. When it loads, it will randomly choose one of the hundreds of ds106 assignments; as well it will serve up one of what we call “Remix Cards” which is a certain twist or variation to apply to the assignment.

Your task is to then interpret this as a new assignment- and do it. Not only that, we want you to look at the examples that were done for the original assignment, and use media from one of these as your starting point.

For example, one combination is combining the Wiggle Spectroscopy (visual assignment) with the Go Emo remix card – so the challenge there would be to create a wiggle visual that features an emo type character. To do this I might download the GIF created at and try to edit it to change a character.

It’s tricky, and perhaps not possible. We are not as interested in what fabulous creations you can make, but how you can write up your and justify your interpretation of the remix assignment.

The stars are compounded for remix- it is the sum of the original assignment’s rating and the rating for the card, so you can score upwards of 8 stars per remix assignment.

As such, your task for week 11 is to complete 15 stars of Remix Assignment, blogged, and tagged with the tags provided by the remix assignment.

As well, keep blogging about your progress on your projects- the end is near!


For some interesting perspective on art and remix, see Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist a book based on a compelling blog post

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