
Blog Post Roundup

Week 7: Round Up Those Audio Shows

By Posted in - Bag of Tricks & Spring 2012 UMW Tricks on February 27th, 2012 1 Comments

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by williac

This is crunch week for your audio projects. Do not go slack this week or your Spring Break will be miserable. Put this on your punch list:

  • Three Daily Creates- done on the day assigned, written up as a recap by Sunday, midnight.
  • Your team must, by the end of class tonight have a team name, a show name, and a general idea for your 20 minute radio show. You should be gathering and creating material in the next 2 days.
  • By Wednesday noon you must submit the following samples for your radio show. Uploads should be available on soundcloud. URLs for locations of these need to posted to the section for your team on the ds106 wiki
    • One 15-20 second “bumper”
    • One 30 second commercial
    • One five minute preview of show material
  • As a new element, each team must design a poster for their radio show, this is due at the time of the final assignment. In addition, create a square logo that should be used for any elements uploaded, shared in Soundcloud.
  • At every stage of your work, each team member should write a blog post about their progress. Add the URL for these blog posts to the wiki.
  • Your team should be keeping audio material not used, outtakes, bloopers to assemble into a 10 minute documentary
  • All materials are due at noon on Monday March 12. This includes a link to a soundcloud version for the 20 minute show, the 10 minute “making of documentary”, 2 commercials, 2 bumpers, and the final poster. The shows should include music, an and intro and outtro, and two internal bumpers.

Three shows will be broadcast live on ds106 radio the week of March 12. Attendance is required.

(1) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Slice 15: Leaping – CogDogBlog - Reply

    September 19, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    […] We start first after class on Monday Feb 27. Today’s class was easy because I did not have to do anything- this was time set aside for work on their group audio projects, creating a radio show (see work for week 7). […]

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