
Blog Post Roundup

Week 8: Showtime (and let the video roll)

By Posted in - Class Recaps & Spring 2012 UMW Tricks on March 2nd, 2012 0 Comments

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Rafael Kage

Spring break is just about year, and if you are up to date on your work, it should be a BREAK.

Some reminders for what needs to be done before noon Monday, March 12:

  • Your Daily Create recap for THIS week (3 daily creates), you have a bonus week to catch up. You do NOT have to to do them during break, but feel free to just for fun…
  • You should have blog posts about your work/role on the group audio project.
  • The following should all be listed by link on the section 2 Radio Group wiki – if it is not there, no credit for your entire group. All audio should be uploaded to soundcloud as MP3 audio files (not wav)
    • 2 Audio Bumpers (these should alo appear within your final show).
    • 2 Commercials (these are NOT part of your show).
    • The 20 minute show itself!
    • A 10 minute audio documentary, extra features, outtakes- this should include an opening.
    • A graphic for your poster

Next week in class, we will hear each night three of the final audio shows (chosen at random) as we broadcast them live to ds106 radio. Danny P is going to be the emcee for the show. If you want to tell people to tune it, the live audio stream’s address is

There will be a new assignment for week 8 before the next class as we begin our next section on video, which will likely include some viewing of video and maybe a small amount of assignments, but it should be a light week of work.

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