
Blog Post Roundup

Week 2 Preview…

By Posted in - Bag of Tricks & Spring 2012 UMW Tricks on January 22nd, 2012 1 Comments

For students in my section of ds106, here is a little bit to expect for the coming week. The heat just increases every week.

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by ?olo

Before class, you should have at least:

  • Create Your account on ds106 site (about 1/3 have done so far). Create a gravatar so you get a custom icon. Join the class group.
  • Create your social media accounts. Make accounts in twitter, flickr, youtube, soundlcoud. Add these to your ds106 profile. I created a twitter list that includes all tweets from students in my section- you can subscribe to updates too –!/cogdog/umwsp122
  • Do at least one Daily Create. get in the practice now. I will do what I can to track; it makes it easier for me to find (and others) if you tweet or write a blog post with your work.
  • Get your domain and blog set up. I see 11 have done this so far, well done. be sure to email me your blog url when it is set up- once added to the ds106 site, you can find all blog posts at

For Monday we will be doing a lot of hands on work and be helping those who need help with their domains and blog set up. We will go over some of the cpanel tools and ways to work with WordPress. If you have your blog set up, this will be a chance to start or learn how to customize it more, e.g. work with themes, plugins, settings, widgets. I’ll give some tips on shortcuts for using media in your blog.

On Wednesday we will have a discussion on our topic for this week, wich is on framing your personal digital space- to give some reason why we are making you go through these hijinks of making a personal web site. There will be an optional live video stream Thursday with our guest speaker (this will be archived, as are all sessions), and you will have an assignment to write a blog post about your reflections on his ideas.

Are you creating? yes you are or will be.

(1) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • The ‘A’ Word | CIS 0835 – SP12 - Reply

    January 22, 2012 at 11:49 am

    […] and interesting is the fact that Alan, the photographer, is also an instructor for one of the ds106 sessions at UMW. He goes by the name CogDog on twitter and I predict that several of your blogs will be visited by […]

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