
Blog Post Roundup

Week 13: The End is Near

By Posted in - Class Materials & Spring 2012 UMW Tricks on April 16th, 2012 0 Comments

Two more weeks to go for ds106; we are done with doing assignments for stars. This week and tonight’s session (detailed below) is:

  • prepping for having your blog organized to showcase your work (see below)
  • in[SPIRE] a participation effort to share the best of ds106
  • Pair/Share on final projects (in class activity)
    • Find a partner.
    • Each takes 7 minutes to describe their project and progress, and ask for feedback.
    • Write a blog post with what you said / heard.

Blog Prep and Course Syllabus Grade Requirements

Review the Grade Breakdown for this class from the syllabus. Start working to make your blog is able to point to these areas as means to showcase your stuff. You will want to use WordPress Categories and/or Tag links, and add them either to custom menu (if your theme supports it) or create Links and use a widget to add to your sidebar (to be reviewed in class).

Your assignment for the last class will be a reflection post on your ds106 experience, and should be able to point to your wok in the areas covered by the Syllabus. Your ability to have this organized so you can reference in a final blog post

Participation (15% of Grade)
Be able to provide examples of your class participation (create a blog category or tag), including, but not limited to:

Daily Create (15% of Grade)

  • You should have or add a Category/Tag that points to your work.
  • Add new Assignments (keep track)
  • tag or categorize your “Best of” Daily Creates

Digital Storytelling Assignments (30% of Grade)
These should already be tagged as you have been doing them, verify all your work is tagged properly

  • Predifined tags: VisualAssignments, DesignAssignments, AudioAssignments, VideoAssignments, RemixAssignments
  • Pick at least 5 to organize as “Best of” by tag or category, e.g. BestAssignments

Creating Assignments (10% of Grade)
This is earned by creating 4 new assignments and blogging about each one.

Creating Tutorials (10% of Grade)
This is earned by creating 4 assignment tutorials and blogging about each one.

  • Define a tag/category for your assignment tutorials.

Final Project (20% of Grade)
Define a tag/category to document your work on the final project.

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